Peace of mind knowing client information and yours is protected

Enhance web site visitors’ confidence transacting with you and your website, keeping information private

What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL Certificates are used to establish a secure link between the website or email service (among other things) to your browser or email program.

You might notice on just about every website now a padlock and in the URL the prefix https://. This means the website is secure and any information that is passed to and from the website within your browser is secured and private. It makes it more difficult for hackers and spammers to intercept the data that flows between you and the website you’re visiting. It makes your email communications more secure too.

Recently, Google and other search engines have made it a high priority for websites and will rank websites that are secured via SSL much higher than a website that isn’t. Google also sometimes flashes up a warning when your browser tries to access a non-secured website too.

As yourself, if you would transact with a website like your bank if the data you were sending or receiving wasn’t protected. The same goes for your website visitors. If you don’t have an SSL Certificate, your potential website visitors may simply leave your website and move onto the next site.

Types of SSL Certificates

  • Standard SSL Certificates – for non-commerce sites – least expensive, basic security service

  • Domain Validated SSL Certificates – for commerce and other more interactive sites – affordable, easily applied for an approved

  • Wildcard SSL Certificates – protect more than one URL within your domain eg and – saves you money, rather than purchasing seperate SSL Certificates for each variation

  • EV SSL Certificates – Identifies your company name in green next to the padlock. But more expensive and more information is required to qualify.

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