James Demetrie initially came to Footy Almanac as a contributor with an interest in writing, photography, music and family history.

When we learnt of his company diskmandotnet we asked him to act a as consultant to the design and function of our website. He had many ideas and was able to support our endeavours with technical assistance. He was always at the ready and any issues were resolved as quickly as was possible.

It soon became obvious we should benefit from James’s main area of expertise – as a provider of web-servers.diskmandotnet has hosted the Almanac site for some years now, providing top-class service. On the few occasions where there have been technical problems, they have been resolved as a matter of urgency. Down time has been next to nothing. The well-being of our site matters to James and the diskmandotnet staff treat us personally.

James is also very good at communicating information about his service via e-newsletter. So things don’t happen out of the blue creating unnecessary surprises.

If you have a website or a blog I recommend diskmandotnet and the team.

John Harms – Writer, Broadcaster, Publisher, Speaker, Historian – Founder/owner of the Footy Almanac

Visit The Footy Almanac online

Read James’s Almanac Stories