Let’s Face it, who has the time to run their business, handle all the sales and support and the ‘million other things’ you have to do just to keep it all going; AND then maintain the business’ web site with a quality blog or news section with some creative blog writing?

If you have a news or blog section on your web site, you need to feed it. Google loves great content and relevant, useful information. For many small to medium business operators, the problem is time.  Or lack of it.  In addition, perhaps lack of expertise or the will or want in putting all the necessary pieces together on a regular basis which make a great blog.

You know your stuff, you know your business, product or service; you may even be able to get a topic of thought started on paper.  But then business calls; you drop your blog piece swearing to yourself “I’ll get back to this later”, and attend to your client or business matter.

By the time you remember to get back to it, your news is old news.

You were going to:

  1. write your blog post to share with your audience
  2. find an photo or image to go with it
  3. add it to your news section
  4. share it on your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

All good intentions but another blogging opportunity slips by and your last post was 6 months ago! Déjà vu? Happened before?

I know how you feel, it has happened to some of the most seasoned business people and of course it’s happened to me too.

So here’s an idea; a very good idea: Let us manage your blog for you!

Just complete step 1 as mentioned above.  We’ll do the rest, such as:

  • Spell check, grammar check and format to a blog post
  • Insert hyperlinks back to your website based on your key words and your priorities
  • Choose a relevant picture (people love pictures)
  • Categorise, tag, and post to your blog
  • Submit to your social media (at least twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn)

We would love to hear from you, read more about Creative Blog Writing and submit an enquiry.